Overall: Interesting
Smexy Times: Dry
Art: Crap
I seem to have hit the goldmine. This, my friends, is another manga by the mangaka who did Strawberry Shake and Kiss Doll. Boy, I was excited to find that out too.
Unfortunately, before you get your hopes up, this follows the standards of Kiss Doll rather than Strawberry Shake. But be happy, for it isn't as bad as Kiss Doll.
Hayashiya seems to be good at thinking of interesting ideas for manga, but her one shots never bring these ideas to full potential. (I have yet to read her other yuri manga though, but that is multi-chaptered.) Her idea this time is this: characters come out of old video tapes from rental stores, and there's a hero who rescues pretty girls from these characters when they want naughty things.
Yes, the 'coming out of the TV' thing does sound like a bad fanfiction, but I think it's executed much better here than in something you'd find on fanfiction.net.
So we meet up with a girl who I didn't catch the name of, but it's not really important. She rented Gone with the Wind, but the tape is all fuzzy and hard to watch. The silly girl insists on watching it all the way through because she spent her money on it, even though she could probably go to the rental place and tell them their tape is all messed up and get her money back. But I guess she's not bright enough to think of that. So, upon finishing the tape, who should pop out but Butt Rhetler. No, I swear I'm not fucking with you here.
For some reason or another, this dude wants to rape main girl. (I've never seen Gone with the Wind, but I'm pretty sure this part isn't based on Rhett Butler's character.) Just when things get nekkid, who should come to save the day but our hero, Meiko! It's her job to catch these baddies and save pretty ladies. So Meiko seals the... demon spawn away, but she still needs to get paid of course. And since our little school girl spent all her money on a tape that didn't even work, Meiko accepts her payment in another way.
This story isn't special by any means, but it's worth a read and a giggle. I've always enjoyed Hayashiya's humor, and this is no exception. I mean c'mon, Butt Rhetler? That's pretty clever. But the art is cringe-worthy, though not as much so as Kiss Doll's art. And as I've said before, it could have been even more interesting with a few more chapters. However, I do enjoy it for it's concept, so I can recommend it on that alone.
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