Overall: Lesicake
Smexy Times: Panty-Less
Art: Crap
It seems I've found another older manga that seems to fall under the same category as the previous one I reviewed. To be honest, I wanted to do something that was interesting, since it is my birthday on Saturday (a little early birthday present perhaps?), but this manga didn't have a picture up on MangaFox, and it was about a wedding of some sort, so I was like "Oh, I love weddings! I'll read this!"
I need to be more careful.
To be honest, I think this is slightly better than last time's review. But that being said, this one is more stupid. Yeah, it can get worse.
So there's a girl named Misaki who decides to wander around the Red Light District while intoxicated. Rather heavily intoxicated. And of course, being the idiot she is, she really doesn't think about the consequences, so when some not very attractive guy comes up to her trying to buy her for the night (thinking she's a prostitute of course), she flips out. Um, hello woman? Where do you think you are? Anyway, she gets saved by this very effeminate man. But wait, guess what? It is a woman. Her name's Maya.
So anyway, Misaki passes out drunk, and Maya takes her back to her apartment and doesn't do naughty things to her while she's asleep. Buuuut they do naughty things in the morning. And then, of course, the most ridiculous line I've heard in a long time comes around. "Sweet nectar is gushing out." I kid you not, that's a line in this manga. In a sex scene. This would totally kill the mood for me, to be honest.
Anyway, after the pages of sexing, we find out that Misaki has run away from home. Oh joy. (I'm not a big fan of this girl if you can't tell. At least Maya reminds me a little of Haruka, so I like her slightly more.) She was in the Red Light District intending on
Misaki is worried because her older brother was going to be the head of the household or some BS like that, but since he's gay, their Dad threw a hissy fit and gay older brother and his lover moved to America. I, again, question why, in 1998, America is the place for gays. Do I need to update my gay history? So that's her story. The dude she marries is going to be head of the household so she's gotta marry him no matter what. Or something. I was kind of already checked out of this manga by then.
Maya feels bad for Misaki, so they have sex again, which draws about the fastest love confession I've seen in a long time. You can't love someone after one morning of sex with them! Love doesn't happen like that! And this coming from someone who believes in the whole 'love at first sight' concept.
Anyway, I think they stay together for a while, make themselves officially girlfriends, more sexing occurs. But then Daddy's goons come for Misaki and she's all, "Kay, kay, I'll go. Bye Maya." She tries to be all cool about it, but I still dislike her. So then... sudden deus ex machina! Misaki's gay brother and his new lover show up right where Maya is! No, I have no clue how they knew about where Misaki and Maya had been. Or even about Maya in general. But this manga won't explain it, so I won't question it. Much.
So Misaki's brother is all "She doesn't not love you anymore, she just wanted to protect you! Cause our Daddy's a jerk who did bad things to my boyfriend, and Misaki just doesn't want the same done to you!" ... I honestly don't want to know about these bad things.
So Misaki's meeting with her future husband, and she hates him. She now doesn't even want to have sex with anyone but Maya, so she runs out. And Maya, Misaki's brother, and the lover dude are all there outside. Again, just not going to question this. And Misaki's brother comes up with a brilliant solution.
They just marry each other. Misaki and Misaki's brother's lover (I don't think these guys even get names) and Maya and Misaki's brother.
... I just... don't have any words. Except for: rush decision much?
Also, the 'honeymoon' portion? Don't even get me started.
I really hate this ending. It's just... so dumb. Why? Why do I do this to myself? Also, those are some hideous wedding dresses. 90's fashion for you I guess.
All right, back to the point. I did not like this manga. The characters were uninteresting, and really? Main characters without names? I mean, c'mon now. That's bad. The plot was dumb too. The sex scenes were just... I don't know. Something about this 90's art with sex scenes just turns me off rather than on. Not to mention the god-awful dialogue. Overall, it's just not good. It's just not. If you can stand 90's art and want to read some smut, by all means my friends. But I, personally, just can't.
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