By Morinaga Milk
Overall: No Thank You
Smexy Times: Scissor Sisters
Art: Shoujo-y
Next time I'm definitely taking the extra time to read something I like.
I swear I've read this before. Maybe that's why it was so uninteresting. Or maybe it's just plain uninteresting.
The basic plot is that there are these two girls who are in some sort of relationship, but it's not clearly defined. Glasses Girl encounters a penis alien (I kid you not), who offers her special glasses that lets her see how people are really feeling. So she's all, "Sure, why not! I'll see how my sorta-girlfriend really feels about me!" And you know Sorta-Girlfriend actually likes Glasses Girl, so it's just an excuse for them to have sex.
The story could have ended there. But it's a two-shot. So what's the second story about? Well obviously Sorta-Girlfriend encountering penis alien. The best part of this rather uninteresting story is when she tries to stick the penis alien in her panties like a strap-on.
And then the story continues like you think it should. Sorta-Girlfriend uses the glasses, but not on Glasses Girl. Cause she knows Glasses Girl already loves her. And then they have sex. With a strawberry vibrator.
On a side note, that seems sort of large. Can that really be comfortable? I mean, the odd shape alone seems like it would be kind of annoying. But I've heard of Hello Kitty vibrators, so I guess I shouldn't dwell on this too much. (I know a lot about sex toys. Don't ask.)
For me, this story was definitely nothing special. I didn't feel the love between the two characters. It was borderline Lesicake, honestly. Since the plot was mostly set up to get the girls closer together. In bed.
So honestly, this isn't something I would come back to read (except in this instance, to review it). And I wouldn't really recommend it. I guess if you want to see some smexings, read it. But otherwise, pass it by.
On another side note, geez. What's with that title?
To be honest, I kind of want to read it, just for the "penis alien".
ReplyDeleteA /penis/ alien?
ReplyDeleteI can see all the ways in which this could go wrong.